Course Outline

The course is comprised of Mindsets and Project. The major contents of the Mindsets are outlined below.

   Unit 1: Innovation Models

1.1 Introduction to Innovation
1.2 Product Innovation
1.3 Service Innovation
1.4 Process Innovation
1.5 Business Model Innovation
1.6 Social Innovation
1.7 Market Innovation


   Unit 2: Problem Solving Process 

2.1 Observation
2.2 Definition
2.3 Representation
2.4 Ideation and Selection
2.5 Prototyping
2.6 Testing
2.7 Milestones and Iterations


   Unit 3: Creative Thinking

3.1 The History of Creativity
3.2 Sources of Creativity in Individuals
3.3 Mental Models of Creativity
3.4 Creative Thinking Methods
3.5 Roadblocks in Creativity


   Unit 4: Innovation Tools

4.1  Mind map
4.2  Attribute Listing
4.3  Patterning
4.4  Analogizing
4.5  Morphological Synthesis
4.6  Substitution
4.7  Combination
4.8  Adaptation
4.9  Modification
4.10 Putting to other use
4.11 Elimination
4.12 Rearrangement or reverse


   Unit 5: Special Presentation

5.1 The Sources of Innovation
5.2 Open Innovation
5.3 The Innovators
5.4 Guest Speakers Topics