Artificial Intelligence Event Announcement 

Topic : International AI Seminar (Free) 

Target Audience: College/University Students

Speakers: AI Club Directors @ AAFIE Artificial Intelligence Labs

Venue: Online (Registration to the AI Club to receive the link)

Registration :  Image result for learn more button png



AI Professional 


First Meeting Between AAFIE (American Alliance for International Education) and BIT (Beijing Institute of Technology)

Date: Novermber 16, 2011

Representatives from Beijing Institute of Technology

Changlu Zhao, PhD, Vice President, Beijing Institute of Technology
Qinglin Wang, Director, International Collaboration Division, Beijing institute of Technology
Wenbo Mei, Dean, College of International Education, Beijing Institute of Technology
Zhendong Liu, Deputy Dean, Computer Science School, Beijing Institute of Technology

Project Showcase

Project showcase is to publicly demonstrate the results of individual and team-based efforts on team projects over the semester. This is the final stage of your team projects. The project showcase provides an opportunity for your team to present your project to faculty, industry representatives, international experts, other students, and guests. Your project receives a significant portion of the final grades from the showcase. It is also an important learning experience stressing teamwork and communication.

Sample Project Showcase Photos from UC Berkeley (USA) and Xi'an Jiaotong University (China)

About Beijing Institute of Technology

Foundeed in 1940 in Yan’an, Shaanxi Province and was relocated to Beijing in 1949, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) is is a major research university under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China.

BIT is the home for more than 23,000 students in 16 national key disciplines, 25 ministry-level key disciplines. It offers bachelor's degrees in 60 majors, Master's degrees in 144 majors, and Doctorate degrees in 62 majors. It also has 17 post-doctorate stations. BIT has been widely considered by Chinese education officials among top 20 universities in China. In recent national level evaluations, BIT was among the first 15 universities to be designated into the "Project 211". It is also the 10th university to be designated into the prestigious "Project 985". BIT ranks top 300 in the QS World University Rankings(2014), 29th in QS Asian University Rankings (2014),39th in the BRICS University Rankings(2014) and 17th in Chinese University Rankings(2014).BIT's Engineering & Technology ranks top 5 among Chinese universities. According to the China Discipline Ranking conducted by the a research center affiliated with the China Ministry of Education, BIT ranks among top 10 nationally in the following ten disciplines.

BIT is an important research institution for military technology and is famous for its contributions to the research and development of radar, missiles, firearms and armored combat vehicles. However, some of its research are not allowed to be disclosed and a great amount of the research work cannot be published.

BIT's traditional research strength lies in Electrical Engineering (now with the Chinese name of Information Engineering), Automation, Photonics, Mechanical Engineering, Vehicle Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Chemical Engineering. Some of its emerging research areas are also developing fast in recent years, including Computer Science, Industrial Design, and Higher education research.