Artificial Intelligence Event Announcement 

Topic : International AI Seminar (Free) 

Target Audience: College/University Students

Speakers: AI Club Directors @ AAFIE Artificial Intelligence Labs

Venue: Online (Registration to the AI Club to receive the link)

Registration :  Image result for learn more button png



AI Professional 


First Meeting Between AAFIE (American Alliance for International Education) and ZJU (Zhejiang University)

Date: 21 July 2016 Thursday

Representatives from Zhejiang University

Jianhong Luo, PhD, Vice President of ZJU
Xianmin Zhang, PhD, Professor ZJU College of Information Science & EE
Youshi Liu, Doctor, ZJU Undergraduate School Teaching Affairs Office
Min Li, Assoc Prof, ZJU Office of International Relations
Tian Minjie, Program Coordinator, ZJU Office of International Relations

Representatives from American Alliance for International Education

Thomas Gold, PhD, Chairman, American Alliance for International Education; Professor, University of California Berkeley
Gilbert Stewart, VP, American Alliance for International Education
William Ash, Director of Education, American Alliance for International Education
Marc Kowalski, Director of Education, American Alliance for International Education
John Poladian, Director of Education, American Alliance for International Education
Frank Zeng, Director of International Collaboration, American Alliance for International Education

Project Showcase

Project showcase is to publicly demonstrate the results of individual and team-based efforts on team projects over the semester. This is the final stage of your team projects. The project showcase provides an opportunity for your team to present your project to faculty, industry representatives, international experts, other students, and guests. Your project receives a significant portion of the final grades from the showcase. It is also an important learning experience stressing teamwork and communication.

Sample Project Showcase Photos from UC Berkeley (USA) and Xi'an Jiaotong University (China)

About Zejiang University

Founded in 1897, Zhejiang University is one of China's oldest, selective and most prestigious institutions of higher education. It is a member of the C9 League, the Yangtze Delta Universities Alliance and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities.

Zhejiang University is a comprehensive research university with national and international impact. Research at Zhejiang University spans 12 academic disciplines: agriculture, art, economics, education, engineering, history, law, literature, management, medicine, natural sciences, and philosophy. In the Essential Science Indicator (ESI) rankings of 22 disciplines, Zhejiang University ranks among the top 1% in 15 disciplines, and is listed in the top 100 of the world’s academic institutions in 4 disciplines.

Among its approximate 3,100 standing faculty members, more than 1,200 faculty members hold the title of professor. The faculty includes: 14 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 13 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 48 scholars in the national Recruitment Program of Global Experts, 20 chief scientists of national 973 projects, 81 Changjiang (Yangtze River) Award winners, and 88 recipients of the awards from the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. With five campuses, namely Zijin'gang, Yuquan, Xixi, Huajiachi and Zhijiang campuses, Zhejiang University encompasses an area of 4.5 square kilometers with school buildings covering 1.94 million square meters of floor space. The university library holds a collection of more than 6.27 million volumes. In addition, Zhejiang University has 7 high-level affiliated hospitals.

At present, there are a total of 45,678 full-time students enrolled at Zhejiang University, including 22,376 graduate students, 8577 Ph.D candidates, and 23,302 undergraduates. In addition, there are 3,407 international students currently attending Zhejiang University.