Artificial Intelligence Event Announcement 

Topic : International AI Seminar (Free) 

Target Audience: College/University Students

Speakers: AI Club Directors @ AAFIE Artificial Intelligence Labs

Venue: Online (Registration to the AI Club to receive the link)

Registration :  Image result for learn more button png



AI Professional 


Algebra 1 is imperative for success in subsequent math courses, and transitions students from arithmetic to symbolic reasoning. The key content, which follows the state standards for Algebra 1, involves understanding, writing, solving, and graphing linear and quadratic equations and inequalities. When graphing linear equations, emphasis will be placed on understanding the slope-­‐intercept formula and slope in general as it relates to parallel and perpendicular lines. Solving systems of two linear equations in two unknowns is also emphasized. Quadratic equations will be solved by factoring, using graphs, and applying the quadratic formula. Students should also become comfortable with operations on monomial and polynomial expressions. They learn to solve problems employing all of these techniques. Algebra 1 meets the graduation requirement. This is a one period course that covers all the district standards.