The Fundamentals of International Engineering course is offered as part of the Global Competence Program, an international initiative with a series of courses that uses world class senior professionals from the United States to prepare students to become international engineers.

The Fundamentals of International Engineering is a team-taught core course with the following primary objectives:

  • To foster global engineering mindset for engineering students as a basic skill to solve global engineering problems;
  • To introduce students to basic engineering design concept, principle, methodology, best practice, and global engineering process;
  • To assist students in acquiring skills for identifying, formulating, and solving real world engineering problems;
  • To equip students with the knowledge of engineering sustainability and the mindset of sustainable engineering design;
  • To expose students to real world product development process and popular global engineering tools;
  • To promote global perspective for engineering students as a basic skill to design products for global market;
  • To give students contextualized instruction and experience in technical communication;
  • To acquaint students with concepts in engineering ethics, professionalism, teamwork, and global collaboration.

The critical task of this course is to couple engineering design project with the mindset.


There are no prerequisites for students to take the general engineering course.


The course is taught by AAFIE Global Engineering Professionals Group, a group of senior engineers from U.S. multi-national companies.


By leveraging advanced Internet video collaboration technology, the world-class engineering professionals from the United States give real-time lectures to engineering students, interact with the engineering students, and guide the engineering students in conducting international engineering projects.

Students will complete the entire coursework in the Gloer learning community, a platform specifically designed to promote global perspective, cross-cultural communication, international collaboration, and critical and creative thinking skills. In the Gloer learning community, students are guided by international mentor consisting of international senior engineers from multinational companies in the United States. Students need to submit their coursework to the global community, present their solutions to the global community, receive feedback from the global community, and complete their projects by discussing and interacting with the global community, making students learn in a real global context.


The course is mostly about real-world international engineering experience, therefore, there are no textbooks needed. Students will leverage Internet contents for project assignments and use live recorded sessions for class review.


To complete the course, a total of 16 weeks is required for lectures and student projects. The course is divided into two segments in each class meeting:

  • Engineering Mindset (Lecture and discussion)
  • Project (Product development)


Classroom Participations/Responses: 20%
Project: 50%
Final Exam: 30%

Attendance is mandatory. Students are subject to losing points for absences unless prior approval is obtained from Teaching Assistant. Late submission will be graded as normal, but with a 30% penalty.

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be awarded with the certificate of Global Competence Program in Fundamentals of International Engineering from AAFIE, in addition to the credits to be received from the partnering university.